Home! Happy Trails to you!

What a fabulous trip!  We just got home!  We left our hotel in Phoenix at 3:45 a.m. on Monday July 1st, 2019.  First, a 4 1/2-hour flight to Newark, a 4-hour stop-over there, then our 9-hour flight to Geneva where our bus was waiting for us.  We arrived in Grenoble at 10:30 Tuesday morning, June 2nd...which was 2:30 in the morning for us.  A very long day!


This blog will come back to life in the autumn so that those who went on the trip can share their photos and comments with you.

Enjoy the memories; enjoy your summer everyone!
And Happy 4th of July today!

My best...and a song: 

Happy Trails to you!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgw_yprN_-w

Again here, with lyrics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JvBFlQNcwtI

Happy Trails to you,
Until we meet again
Happy Trails to you
Keep smiling' until then.
Who cares about the clouds if we're together?
Just sing a song and bring the sunny weather.
Happy Trails to you 'til we meet again.
Some trails are happy ones
Others are blue
It's the way you ride that trail that counts
Here's a happy one for you.
Happy Trails to you
Until we meet again.....

Roy Rogers was a famous cowboy singer and actor every American knows.  His horse's name was Trigger. 
Before I sign off, two last songs and the words of the famous Chief Seattle :

AMERICA  https://youtu.be/6YYzIWTE1L4                                                                   (sung by the cowboy singer Waylan Jennings)

This song, published in 1910 is one of the most popular of the many American patriotic songs, and often sung by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.

O beautiful for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!



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